The "Education" campaign - completed!
On 27 April 2017 educational workshops for children and adolescents were held in the Group of Local Authority Schools in Tereszpol-Kukiełki, scheduled within the framework of the E2 task implementation. We planned to carry out 150 activities and familiarize at least 3000 people with the issues covered by the project. The target has been more than achieved and the educational campaign completed, with a total of 151 activities involving 3064 people. During the course of the meetings, a number of issues were undertaken related to the protection of zonal birds, of which the most important were:
- Natura 2000 area - what is it?
- zonal species - characteristics, biology, human impact, and curiosities
- protection of zonal species (species protection, zonal protection, "Do you know the location of a nest? Send us the information, and we will check it")
- risks and their prevention
- poisoning of birds and its consequences for the environment. What can I do to prevent this?
- What should I do if I find an injured/dead/poisoned bird?
After the end of the workshops we asked the students to fill in a short survey, consisting of three parts:
- During the workshops, I enjoyed the most:
- I did not know that...
- I was most surprised that....
The responses confirmed our belief that in this age of smartphones, computers and the Internet, young people do not discern and do not appreciate the beauty of nature, which is often at their fingertips. The enormous number of messages that children receive through information portals or social media means that even the most interesting and engaging of events concerning the world of nature can be lost among a mass of totally irrelevant information. Therefore, it is important to reach out to local communities based on methods like direct contact, such as by organizing activities in schools. Multimedia presentations, enriched with great photos, the sounds of birds and videos showing their interesting behaviour in the natural environment, combined with the passion of the speaker and promotional materials, certainly help the people participating in these activities to become more aware of the beauty of nature and of the risks posed for it by human activities.
Listed below is a selection of the most interesting answers to the questions asked during the surveys, which while showing the deficiencies in knowledge also demonstrate the validity of conducting such educational activities.
During the workshops, I enjoyed the most:
- short videos about birds;
- the sounds of black storks;
- the work of ornithologists;
- a short video with young black storks;
- the opportunity to learn so much about birds living locally.
I did not know that...
- there are such beautiful forests locally;
- there are many protected birds in our region;
- the day after hatching, a black stork is white;
- owls are not as wise as they show them in books;
- white storks like eating rodents;
- there are no mosquitoes at high altitudes;
- when foxes are being poisoned, it also poisons the white-tailed eagle;
- owls do not know how to make nests;
- the short-toed snake eagle lays only one egg;
- the white-tailed eagle has such long wings;
- the chicks of the Eurasian eagle-owl are white and shaggy.
I was most surprised that....
- female birds are larger;
- when defending themselves, black storks vomit, scream and peck;
- people unknowingly kill endangered species of birds;
- birds are nice;
- the man organising the activities was niceJ
- I was not bored;
- white stork chicks like living close to people, but they are afraid of them, whereas black stork chicks do not like living close to people but they are not afraid of them;
- mature lesser spotted eagles can adopt a foreign chick.
Photo 1. Students from a primary school in Narol
Photo 2. The activities were carefully observed by a picture of a boreal owl during the project rollup
Photo 3. In many schools our posters were exhibited in the science areas and during school exhibitions